How to Increase Your Engagement on Linkedin For B2B Marketing

Linkedin Marketing

There are many ways to increase your engagement on Linkedin. There are also a number of new features you can use to increase your marketing effectiveness. One of these is to take advantage of Linkedin Trends, which lets you post comments on trending topics and see what your audience is interested in. Using this new feature, you can tailor your posts by adding your point of view and tagging relevant audiences. The platform also introduced community hashtags for Pages, which is one of the most underutilized ways to grow your brand on Linkedin.

Another way to increase your marketing effectiveness on LinkedIn is to join groups. Groups are a great way to connect with potential customers, while commenting on popular posts can increase your exposure. LinkedIn has many opinion leaders and commentators, including Vaibhav Sisinty, a popular Growth Hacker who has managed to build a following of 200k in two years. Regardless of your level of experience, these social networks are vital to your business’s growth.

Make sure your company page includes keywords. Adding keywords in your company page’s description and about section will make it easier to be found by users. Those who visit LinkedIn to find relevant information can use the keywords you include in your page. To increase the keyword density, you can list as many specialties as you can, including synonyms. In addition to keywords, you can also include links to your website and relevant LinkedIn groups. In addition, you can use images to increase your visibility.

Using live video is another way to expand your marketing reach and engagement. You can host a live stream or an interview with a guest speaker. Live streams are popular with users and can increase engagement exponentially. If you want to reach a larger audience, you can create an event page or schedule one ahead of time. You can even share your content with your team members via Linkedin Live. If you’re running an event, you can invite everyone to participate.

When creating your profile, it’s important to build relevant connections and engage your audience. By focusing on creating content your audience will love, you can increase your audience and expand your network. You can also add links to your business information, podcast episodes, and other noteworthy content to your profile. Make sure to subscribe to email notifications for your network to ensure you never miss any interesting updates. Using Linkedin for marketing purposes should be a top priority.

Using a scheduling tool like Buffer can help you stay on top of your posting schedule. You can create a schedule that lets you focus on the content that works best for your audience and your brand. Linkedin has discovered that 20 posts a day will reach approximately 60% of your audience. More posts will increase your reach, but diminish your return. Another important factor to remember is that a certain percentage of your audience will never log in to your page. Even when they do, they’ll scroll the top updates.
