6 Key Points To Consider When Developing A Chat Bot Marketing Strategy

Chatbot Marketing is a new marketing technique that uses automated computer software to automate conversations with potential clients and prospects, both on your site or via your app, for the express purpose of making sales. Chatbot allows businesses to target prospects, those most likely to purchase from you, at all times and in any role, regardless of if your marketing & sales staff are currently online or not. It also enables your marketing team to take on jobs that may be too time consuming without automation like answering emails, filling out forms, posting content or conducting interviews etc. By combining Chatbot Marketing with Facebook Connect, a social media platform built on the Facebook social network, your company’s online marketing efforts become more efficient and powerful than ever before.

Chatbot Marketing

First of all, you will want to find a reputable provider for your chat bots. There are several options out there but some of the most popular include Smileys, Odesk, and cold calling companies. The best ones are usually integrated with Smileys as they are quite reliable when it comes to converting customer questions into leads and sales. Smileys is the most popular chatbot solution available because of the high reliability and great design. It can handle both voice and text input, has excellent integration with Facebook, and can connect with third party applications such as Tweetdeck, Digsby, and the discussion forum Chirp. Additionally, it provides various advanced features such as setting up a custom user name, hiding your IP address, and recording responses.

If you do decide to use Facebook Connect, then Smileys is the program you need. It provides a great visual interface for tracking the conversion of your messages. You can also integrate Smileys with other social media sites such as Twitter and LinkedIn to automate the process even more. The automation process allows you to run customer service chat Bots on auto-pilot which eliminates human errors. Smileys is especially good for businesses that have a limited number of employees since you can easily outsource some of your customer service tasks.

If you do not have an account already set up with Facebook, then you should consider signing up now. It is free to sign up and will provide you with access to millions of members and contacts. These are great customer service resources for your business. Other great chatbot marketing examples include Aweber and Getresponse. An example of using these services is to create leads and send them to your sales team for follow-up.

One of the biggest advantages of using automated software is that it automatically generates sales leads which greatly reduces your cost of having a salesperson prospecting for business. Automated software also has the advantage of reducing the amount of time you spend actually contacting leads which saves you money as well. Overall, having a successful chatbot marketing strategy is essential to making your business grow.

Be sure to have your customers or prospects, fill out the information provided in your profile so that they can communicate with you later. This is how the interaction between you and a prospect works. If you are not taking the information you receive seriously, then they will most likely not make orders or opt-ins. With a positive user experience, your customers will be more likely to convert into buyers. Chat Bots are used as an alternative to traditional marketing methods, therefore it is important to provide a pleasant experience so that your customers will stick around and be loyal to your brand.
