Author: Jennifer Murphy

Digital Marketing Trends for Small Businesses

Digital Marketing Trends

Digital Marketing Trends have evolved over the years, with new technology making it possible to reach customers in a variety of different ways. As a small business owner, it’s important to keep up with the latest trends so that you can adapt your marketing strategy and stay competitive.

Every year, there are new social media apps, better smartphones, and other technological advances that promise to revolutionize digital marketing. It can be hard to keep up with the changes, but it’s essential for small businesses to stay on top of the trends so that they don’t fall behind.

In 2023, the key to success for any business will be personalization. With the right software, you can target your ideal customer with messages that are relevant to them. This is made possible by the data that is collected from each interaction a business has with its customers and prospects. In order to make the most of this data, you need a tool that will help you analyze it and draw valuable insights. Advanced business intelligence tools are now being used by businesses to create accurate buyer personas and make meaningful recommendations based on customer purchasing habits.

Chatbots are another way that businesses are using artificial intelligence to improve their digital marketing. These chatbots are designed to mimic human behavior and answer common questions that customers might have. They can also be used to make product recommendations and provide personalized support. This is a great way to build trust and loyalty with your customers, as well as increase sales.

Another digital marketing trend to keep an eye on is augmented reality. This is a type of virtual reality that overlays images and information onto the real world. It has become very popular in recent times, with companies such as IKEA utilizing AR to let customers see how furniture will look in their home before they buy it. It is a fun and engaging way for customers to learn about products and services, and it is expected to grow even more in popularity in the future.

Lastly, video marketing is another digital marketing trend that is growing in popularity. People are increasingly using mobile devices to watch videos, so it’s important for businesses to take advantage of this trend. By creating videos that showcase the value of a product or service, you can attract potential customers and increase your sales.

Of course, no discussion of digital marketing trends would be complete without mentioning the impact of privacy concerns. It is no secret that many consumers are concerned about how their personal information is being used by online marketers. This is why it’s so important for businesses to take steps to protect their customer’s privacy. In addition to putting security measures in place, it’s also a good idea to educate customers on how to protect their own privacy. This will show that you care about your customers’ safety and will help to build trust in your brand.

How to Use Podcast Marketing to Promote Your Brand

Podcast Marketing

Podcast Marketing is a relatively new form of online advertising that allows brands to promote their products or services in an audio format. It is a great way to build an audience in a specific niche segment and to attract loyal customers.

It is also a good way to connect with your audience in a very personal and direct manner. Listeners are able to hear the passion behind your brand and the personality that drives you. This builds a connection that isn’t always possible on other platforms such as social media. This personal connection may help to shorten the sales cycle and can contribute to your company’s long-term success.

The podcasting trend is growing fast and many companies are starting to take advantage of it for their marketing purposes. Podcasting is a low-cost form of online marketing that can be used by small and medium businesses. It can also be highly targeted to reach a particular demographic. The best part is that it is easy to produce and the results can be seen quickly.

To make your podcast successful, it is important to create a schedule and stick with it. This will ensure that your audience knows when to expect a new episode and will be able to follow the show’s progress. Keeping your audience engaged and connected will encourage them to share the show with their friends and increase your audience.

When creating a podcast, it is important to have at least three episodes ready before you launch. This will give your audience something to keep them interested and will prevent them from abandoning the show after just one episode. It is also a good idea to promote the podcast on multiple channels such as social media, email newsletters and blog posts. It is important to test the different ways to find out which channels are the most effective for your podcast.

Podcast ads are available in pre-roll, mid-roll and outro ad formats. In pre-roll ads, the sponsor name appears in the beginning of the episode. In mid-roll ads, the sponsor’s name appears when the host takes a break. In outro ads, the sponsor’s name is displayed at the end of the show.

Another way to promote your podcast is by getting involved in influencer marketing. This involves reaching out to influencers in your industry who can help you promote the show and get the word out. Influencers have a high degree of trust among their audiences and can help you reach a much larger group of people. They can also help you create a buzz around your podcast and drive its downloads. Make sure that your podcast is available on multiple platforms so that it can be downloaded easily. It is also a good idea to have a website for your podcast so that people can share links and subscribe. You can use a plugin such as Castos to create a simple podcast website and start reaping the benefits immediately.

How to Master Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most powerful digital tools marketers can use to nurture prospects and convert customers. It’s an efficient and cost-effective way to communicate with customers as well as keep them updated on product updates, special offers, news, events, and other important information. But email marketing can be challenging to master, and there are a lot of pitfalls to avoid.

One of the most common mistakes is buying or renting low-quality email lists. This is illegal in most cases, and can cause deliverability problems for the sender. A low-quality list can generate spam trap hits, spam complaints, and unsubscribes that damage your deliverability reputation. To prevent this from happening, always use a permission-based email list, and always ask for consent to sign up.

Creating email content that resonates with your audience is crucial to the success of your campaigns. Emails that are relevant to your audience’s interests, needs, and pain points are more likely to be opened than emails that aren’t. To determine the content that will resonate with your audience, perform a content audit to identify the topics they are most interested in. Then, create a plan for the type of content you can produce on a regular basis to provide your audience with value.

The subject line is often the first element of an email that a reader will see. If it’s compelling enough, they will take the time to open it and continue reading. A great subject line is short, intriguing, and contains a clear call to action.

It should also be relevant to the email’s purpose and topic. For example, a subject line that says “Email marketing tips” is more likely to be clicked than one that says “Free coffee”.

Once a reader has opened an email, the content they receive must support the promise made in the subject line and reinforce your brand’s value proposition. Emails that have no value are often ignored or deleted. In some cases, they may even be marked as spam. To avoid this, make sure your content is valuable to your audience, and include a CTA at the end of each email.

A consistent schedule is also key to maintaining a high open rate. If your subscribers know how many emails you will be sending each week, they’ll be more likely to open them. Just be careful not to overwhelm your audience, as too much frequency can cause them to stop opening your emails altogether.

Keeping in touch with existing customers is just as important as attracting new ones. Emails that offer special deals or announce new products, services, or events are an effective way to connect with your audience and show them that you care about their experience. By keeping in touch, you can strengthen the bond between your company and your audience, and increase the chances of them recommending you to friends and family. This can be done through a variety of channels, including email, social media, mobile apps, and other channels.

Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2018

Digital Marketing Trends

The digital marketing world is constantly changing and evolving. New social media apps and better smartphones keep popping up, while Google rolls out new search algorithms and other changes that marketers have to keep up with in order to stay competitive. With so much going on, it can be hard to know which trends are here to stay and which ones are fads that will fade away. To help you stay ahead of the competition, here are some digital marketing trends to watch in 2018.

The rise of personalized messaging is one trend that will continue to grow in 2018. Consumers are expecting brands to treat them like individuals rather than numbers on a database. This means customizing their content and sending them offers that are relevant to their interests. For example, if someone searches for “red dresses,” marketers can send them emails featuring red dresses along with a matching purse or shoes. This kind of personalization can lead to higher sales and customer retention.

Another digital marketing trend to consider is the increasing use of chatbots. These artificial intelligence tools can answer basic questions, guide users through the buying process, and even provide support after a sale has been made. They are becoming more popular because they allow businesses to offer a more personalized experience and cut down on the time customers spend waiting on hold or filling out forms on websites.

In 2018, marketers will also focus more on mobile-friendly websites. This is because more and more people are using their phones to do online shopping and brand searches. Having a website that isn’t mobile-friendly can negatively impact your SEO and your conversion rates. In addition, Google is now giving more weight to sites that are optimized for mobile devices.

The importance of focusing on mobile is being further driven by the growing popularity of micro-moments. These are moments when a person turns to their device (increasingly a smartphone) to act on an intent-rich need, such as finding a restaurant or store nearby. To meet this need, Google is promoting local search ads, which display to users when they input certain keywords with their location (such as “cafes in London”).

Augmented reality is another emerging digital marketing trend that will continue to grow in 2018. With the rise of apps like Pokemon Go and Specsavers, it’s clear that consumers are interested in AR. Augmented reality can be used to create immersive experiences for consumers, such as by displaying product images over their real-world environment. This can help shoppers envision how a product will look in their home or on their body, making it easier for them to make a purchase decision.

While these are some of the most prevalent digital marketing trends to watch in 2018, it’s important to remember that it’s not necessary to incorporate all of them into your strategy this second. The best approach is to try out a few and see what works best for your business.

5 Ways to Use the Power of the Internet to Promote Your Business

Online Marketing is a set of techniques and tools businesses use to promote themselves on the internet, typically through paid advertising on social media or search engines like Google. The goal is to increase traffic and sales by leveraging the power of the internet to reach new customers. There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to Online Marketing: from the nitty gritty details of SEO, to the power of social media, to how to create an effective email newsletter, to the ever-changing world of PPC (pay per click) advertisements.

The internet offers many unique advantages other marketing mediums do not: the ability to target a very specific audience, the option for personalization and far-reaching relationships with customers. However, the internet can also be an overwhelming place to promote your business, with so much noise and competition that it can be difficult to get noticed.

There are many ways to market your business on the internet, including:


Writing articles that provide useful information to potential customers is a very popular way to market a product or service. The key to successful article writing is creating content that provides valuable information to your audience in a compelling way, while incorporating keywords that potential customers will be searching for.

Video marketing

Producing and distributing video content can be an effective way to promote your business. This can be in the form of product or service videos, instructional how-to videos or informative videos. This can be an excellent way to reach a new audience, as video content is widely shared and consumed on the internet.

Email marketing

Developing and deploying an effective email marketing strategy is critical to any modern business. This can include the development of squeeze pages, webinars and sales funnels that are designed to deliver a consistent flow of high value content to potential customers in order to generate leads and ultimately sales.

Social media

Almost every business can benefit from having a presence on the major social media platforms. This can be a free way to promote your business, but it requires consistent engagement with your followers. It is important to post relevant, interesting and valuable content on your social media accounts. You can also leverage these channels to engage in re-targeting campaigns, which are aimed at potential customers who have already visited your website.

Online marketing can be a complex and time consuming task, but it is essential to the success of any modern business. By using a mix of both paid and organic methods, businesses can achieve their marketing goals and grow their customer base. It is also important to remember that, no matter what methods you choose to employ, quality content remains king. By creating insightful and engaging content, you can help potential customers find your business and build a long-term relationship with them.

How to Use Youtube Marketing to Promote Your Business Online

Youtube Marketing

Youtube Marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your business online, reach a wider audience, and drive engagement. The platform is home to billions of videos that range from how-to guides and product demos to funny and informative content.

When creating a YouTube channel, make sure you customize the visual aspects with your brand logo and other relevant images. YouTube also has a set of guidelines for video length, captions, and uploading.

Before you create any new videos, do some research on your target audience. You can use social media market research, analytics and data from other channels to understand what type of content your audience wants to see on YouTube and how they search for it. Use your findings to create a content strategy that aligns with your customer persona.

Once you know what your customers want to watch, create videos based on those keywords. Focus on producing quality content that answers questions, provides helpful information and entertainment. Create a schedule for when you will upload videos, and stick to it. Consistency is key on any platform and can help you build a loyal viewer base.

When you upload a video, always include a call to action (CTA) that asks viewers to like or subscribe. The first 10% of a video is often the most engaging, so it’s important to place the CTA within this portion. You can also encourage viewers to take action by displaying it in the description of your video or on your website and social channels.

YouTube’s algorithm prioritizes channels with lots of subscribers. Plus, you can use subscriber numbers to unlock features and get access to exclusive ad slots. YouTube also uses viewer’s video interactions to determine your channel’s rank. Therefore, you should always respond to comments and questions in your videos, and even give shout outs to new subscribers.

You can also optimize your YouTube content by using cards and end screens that offer viewers more information or a way to engage with your videos. This can increase your video’s click-through rate and boost your SEO.

Another way to boost your YouTube engagement is by collaborating with other brands or creators. This can be a great opportunity to bring in a new audience and gain more exposure with similar audiences. Just make sure the audience and goal of the other channel aligns with your own to avoid a conflict of interest. Lastly, don’t be afraid to try different kinds of ads on YouTube. Skippable and non-skippable ads both have the potential to increase your revenue. The key is to test and measure your results so you can determine what works best for your company.

YouTube Marketing – How to Optimize Your Videos for YouTube

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, and it’s important to optimize your video content for this platform. This will help it rank higher on Google search results pages and drive more traffic to your channel. It’s also a good idea to track YouTube analytics and engage with your audience to see what type of content resonates with them.

Titles: The first step in any successful YouTube marketing strategy is to create and optimize a good video title. It needs to include the keywords that people search for and be compelling enough to convince them to click on it.

Descriptions: The descriptions of your videos are the most crucial element for YouTube marketing, as they are what appears in search results and can be used to drive views and engagement. It’s best to write a short, informative description and use it as an opportunity to promote your brand and products.

Tags: When optimizing your YouTube channel, it’s a good idea to use multiple tags and keywords. Having more tags and keywords means that your content will be found more easily, which will lead to more views and increased viewership.

Metadata: The metadata of your video includes the title, description, and tags that are shown in search results, and it can be optimized to increase your visibility on YouTube. It can also be used to promote your videos through paid advertising on YouTube.

Videos on YouTube are a great way to share brand-specific content and reach new customers. However, it’s also crucial to use a strong content marketing strategy that incorporates all of the different elements of a successful video campaign.

In addition to the video, a strong content marketing strategy should include a blog post or other written material that complements the video. This helps to ensure that viewers have an engaging experience with your brand and will continue to view your channel in the future.

End Screens: Video end screens extend the length of your video and can include call to actions, links, or other content that encourages users to subscribe to your channel or follow you on social media. You can add end screens to your YouTube video by importing them from another video, creating them manually, or by using an end screen template.

Connected Accounts: Make sure that you have connected your Facebook and Twitter accounts with your YouTube channel so that any time you publish a video on YouTube, it will automatically be promoted on your social channels as well. This helps keep your content fresh and updated, and it also provides you with valuable metrics on how your YouTube videos are performing across your social platforms.

Analyze Audience: It’s important to understand your audience’s interests and demographics before producing any new videos on YouTube. You can do this by analyzing the comments, questions, and polls you receive on your videos, as well as by exploring the YouTube analytics on your account.

Create a Goal: Once you’ve established your video’s goals, you can begin creating the script for your video. This will allow you to focus your efforts on accomplishing those goals.

How to Approach Social Media Marketing

The best way to approach social media marketing is to create a plan that focuses on the specific goals you’d like to achieve. This can include a set number of posts per month, a competitive analysis, or other tasks that will allow you to track your results and see what works for your brand.

The next step is to determine the most effective social media platforms for your business. This will depend on your industry, audience size, and your available bandwidth. It’s also important to choose platforms that are popular for your niche and have a strong following.

Identify your ideal social media audiences by researching their demographics and interests using tools such as Sprout’s Analytics Dashboard or Google Analytics. This will give you an idea of which networks are attracting the most people and which ones aren’t seeing much activity.

Once you’ve got an idea of your target audiences, it’s time to start delivering quality content. This means posting consistently, but it also means taking the time to research topics that your audience cares about.

Make sure that all of your posts contain hashtags, visuals, and calls to action. This will help increase your chances of getting your content shared by others and driving traffic to your website.

Shares are the most valuable form of engagement that you can get on social media, and a great way to find out how your posts are performing is by tracking them through tools such as BuzzSumo. The more shares you get, the more exposure you’ll have and the higher your brand will rank in search engines.

A strong social media strategy is essential for businesses looking to build brand awareness and increase sales. It requires a lot of work and dedication, but it can be worth the effort in the long run.

Creating and promoting content that appeals to your audience is one of the most challenging aspects of social media marketing. This is because your posts become part of your brand and are expected to be high-quality, engaging and relevant.

It can be difficult to keep up with the ever-changing content that dominates social media and other online channels. This is especially true when you have a small team or limited resources.

Posting multiple times a day across different platforms can be overwhelming, so it’s critical to use a content calendar to help you stay organized and deliver quality posts. This will help you avoid posting low-quality or repetitive content that could get your account banned or hurt your overall strategy.

You may be tempted to take a DIY approach to your social media strategy, but this can be a major mistake. Investing in the right tools can save you time and money and help you keep your brand’s voice consistent across all platforms.

A well-thought-out social media strategy will have several key elements, including a clear mission statement and a defined brand voice. The mission statement will help your team understand what it’s trying to accomplish through social media, while the brand voice will help them create content that reflects that mission.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Facebook Marketing Efforts

Facebook Marketing

Whether you’re a large corporation or a small local business, Facebook is one of the most powerful marketing tools available. With a billion people using the social media platform every day, it’s almost impossible to ignore its potential for reaching new customers.

If you want to be successful in your Facebook marketing strategy, you need to understand how it works and know how to optimize your page and ads. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your Facebook marketing efforts:

Cost per click (CTR) is one of the most important metrics in your Facebook ad. This number determines the effectiveness of your ad and how much it costs to run it. This is a complex calculation that includes several factors, including your budget amount and the keywords you choose to target.

The CTR varies from keyword to keyword, so it’s essential to research and understand the competition before you decide to run a Facebook ad. Some keywords are more competitive than others, which can increase your cost per click.

Ad copy is also a critical component of your Facebook advertising campaign. Make sure that your ad copy is engaging and compelling enough to drive conversions. This can be accomplished by writing clear and direct copy that speaks to your audience.

Images and Copy Should Match

Facebook ad photos must be aesthetically pleasing and align with the copy. A Facebook ad with an image that doesn’t match the copy will make a user feel confused and won’t click on it. Starbucks has a great example of this: they used three images that stitched together to create an image that matched the copy.

In addition to matching your ad image with your ad copy, it’s crucial to use relevant colors and make sure that your Facebook ad doesn’t look too static. Reds, oranges and greens are great for contrast and grabbing the attention of users.

Content creation and curation are also key parts of your Facebook marketing strategy. If you don’t have the time to post constantly, try scheduling your posts in batches. This can be done through your Facebook Page controls or with a tool like Sprout’s ViralPost feature, which automatically picks the best times to post for your audience.

Company milestones and anniversaries are another great way to engage with your Facebook audience. These types of posts often generate a lot of engagement and can be a great way to build trust with your followers.

Referral promotions are a great way to incentivize your followers to share your Facebook page with their friends and family. These types of contests are simple to set up and can be very effective for promoting your brand.

These promotions are an excellent way to grow your followers and boost your reach without spending a lot of money. Plus, they’re a great way to find out what your core audience likes and dislikes.

With all the changes and updates that Facebook has made to its marketing platform, it’s no surprise that many marketers have noticed a decline in their organic reach or increased competition for the most valuable spots on the News Feed. As such, it’s important to keep up with the latest Facebook marketing trends and techniques so that you can maximize your ROI.

What Is Digital Media?

Digital Media

Digital Media is an umbrella term for the electronic data (text, databases, images, audio and video) that is produced and delivered to consumers via various technologies. It encompasses the devices and communications methods that store and transmit digital information, as well as all the software and applications used to create these files.

Text, Images and Videos

One of the most widely used forms of digital media is text, which is found on a computer or machine system in a variety of different formats. This type of digital media is often found on websites and in search engine crawlers, as well as in the user interfaces of other computer systems and phones.

Text is essential to a user’s experience on computers and phones. It allows users to navigate through the user interfaces and is used in software packages.

Photos and illustrations are also part of the digital media landscape, with each icon on your computer or phone typically being a small illustration. Some examples of digital art include music files, graphics and animations.

Video, Games and Other Digital Media

The growth of video has been a major contributor to the growth of digital media, with many people using services like YouTube to upload their own videos. Additionally, smartphones with accessible camera functions produce more video than ever before.

Online newspapers and other types of news media are another form of digital media that is increasingly used by the public. This type of media can be accessed from anywhere in the world, and is a great way to get important news and information.

Books and Magazines

Print media has been around for centuries, and is still popular among many individuals in today’s society. Although electronic versions of books and magazines are now available, many people prefer to read physical copies.


As a result of the growth of internet access, broadcasting has become more popular than ever before. This means that you can watch TV shows, movies, sports, and other types of programs on a television or other device while you’re traveling or at work.

In addition to this, a growing number of people are taking advantage of digital radio stations that offer their own music selections on demand. Other popular forms of digital media include podcasts and e-books.

The most important thing to remember about digital media is that it is constantly evolving. It has changed how people communicate with others, and it has created new challenges for copyright laws.

A key benefit of digital media is that it encourages creativity and innovation. This is because it lacks rigid constraints, so it allows users to explore and experiment with various methods of accomplishing something.

This can lead to new ideas and products that could be developed into commercially successful ventures. It can also help businesses connect with consumers and improve their customer experience.

The technology and media industry is growing at an incredibly fast pace, with many of the top companies in the world operating in this field. These companies are responsible for many of the best technological innovations and have become vital to many industries.
